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Windows phone Wifi connectivity problem.

This post is about the problem faced by Windows phone users while trying to connect to a Wifi network. If your Windows phone shows such error(see image below) when you try to connect to a WiFi network: "The WiFi Network didn't respond please try again later" Then check/perform these particular things mentioned below(Sequence doesn't matter): -

Scroll through images in carousel using Jquery and download the images using curl batch script

 There might be two kinds of carousels. Carousel type 1 :  the one in which image tag's src is already loaded with its original image URL. For such carousel just execute below script in browser dev tool's snippet portion. async function myFunction(){ var first = "" ; var firstDone = false ; var lastDone = false ; while ( ! lastDone){ if (first == ($( ".photo-container > .photo-controls-wrapper > img" ).attr( "src" ))){ lastDone = true ; break ; } if ( ! firstDone){ first = $( ".photo-container > .photo-controls-wrapper > img" ).attr( "src" ); firstDone = ! firstDone; } console.log($( ".photo-container > .photo-controls-wrapper > img" ).attr( "src" )); $( ".navigation-button-right" ).click(); await sleep( 2000 ); } } function sleep(ms) { re...

Loop through files in current directory and compress them using image magick

 @ECHO OFF FOR %%i IN (*) DO ( echo "Executing:: magick %%i -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -quality 85 -interlace JPEG -colorspace RGB %%~nf_converted.jpg" magick %%i -sampling-factor 4:2:0 -strip -quality 65 -interlace JPEG -colorspace RGB %%~ni_converted.jpg ) pause;

Java Script Mutation Observer : Trick to skip entire video tutorial slides.

Disclaimer : This post is not at all promoting the way to skip the tutorials assigned to you by your corporate companies even if you don't know the content already. There are times when an employee is there in the firm for more than 10-15 years and has attended the same content tutorials every 6 months, hence they know the rules and things and these tutorials just become, kind of, formality for them.  Do you guys have to complete all those compliance training in your corporate company as well? Are those courses not skippable or automatic video slide where a bot person is constantly reading / explaining the bullet points or the slide content ? Like whenever one slide finishes off, you have to click "Next" button manually for the next slide to come up and that's why you have to sit down and listen to the whole content, even if you have already gone through this content dozens of time in your career. Well I have a probable solution below with java script's Mutation O...