
Showing posts from August, 2015

Episode 5: A Battle with the past

The Resurrection ( Time will reveal everything) (Mini web series) Have you read the 4th episode yet? If not, Read it here , to enjoy this episod e. Episode 5: A Battle with the past You don’t need to know, what my name is, or who am I actually! All you need to know is the story I am about to share with you all. The story that matters and the story that needs to be told! We know that sometimes, some things happen with some people that are actually unbelievable, strange and eccentric and this story is no different. These things or the series of events, change us for the better or worse, and decide who we become. So, assuming that you are ready to believe whatever I say and believe the not so obvious, I present to you the story of the unbelievable!! Few weeks before the day on the island (continued):                 So yeah, Ritika shot Abhay and Abhay went unconscious thereafter. The next thing that he remembered was that he woke up on a bed, with t

Windows phone Wifi connectivity problem.

This post is about the problem faced by Windows phone users while trying to connect to a Wifi network. If your Windows phone shows such error(see image below) when you try to connect to a WiFi network: "The WiFi Network didn't respond please try again later" Then check/perform these particular things mentioned below(Sequence doesn't matter): -

Episode 4: The Betrayal

The Resurrection  ( Time will reveal everything) (Mini web series) Have you read the 3rd Episode yet? If not, read it here to enjoy this episode. Episode 4: The Betrayal You don’t need to know, what my name is, or who am I actually! All you need to know is the story I am about to share with you all. The story that matters and the story that needs to be told! We know that sometimes, some things happen with some people that are actually unbelievable, strange and eccentric and this story is no different. These things or the series of events, change us for the better or worse, and decide who we become. So, assuming that you are ready to believe whatever I say and believe the not so obvious, I present to you the story of the unbelievable!! It’s not every day that you wake up on a strange deserted place that looks like a dense forest or an unexplored island with an injury on your head along with a dozen dead bodies resembling soldiers around you, sme