
Showing posts from May, 2017

S02E02 - A blast from the past!

The Resurrection ( The time is near) (Mini web series) Have you read the  1st  episode yet? Read it  here , if not...! Episode 14: A blast from the past! Much like the Newton’s third law of motion for actions and reactions, even in life, any new event has equally impending implications; implications that might shock you, or might lift your dead spirits. Most events occur as the result of our actions in the present but what about the events springing from the past? What it is like to have a certain aspect from your past revisit you? Shock or excitement, it doesn’t matter, but a blast from the past leaves ripples large enough to disrupt the present and the future….!!

S02E01 - It's not the end!!

The Resurrection ( The time is near) (Mini web series) Have you read the 0th episode yet? Read it here , if not...! Episode 13: It’s not the end! Mysterious things happen to everyone – things that they do not have any control over and sometimes even the things that are beyond the normal realms of human understanding. People either lose somebody or something, or end up witnessing a fate that they never believed could be theirs, for their entire life! What does one do then? Or what exactly is one expected to do at those times? I guess, there is no predefined protocol to dictate the course of action in situations like these, and the actions vary from perceptions of the individual to individual.

S02E00 - Down the memory lane

The Resurrection ( The time is near) (Mini web series) Have you read the Season 1  yet? If not, Read it by clic king   here , to enjoy this episode. Episode 12: Down the memory lane So, remember me? We met like some 2 years ago, remember? No? Let me try it another way: You don’t need to know, what my name is, or who am I actually! All you need to know is the story I am about to share with you all. The story that matters, and the story that needs to be told! We know that sometimes, some things happen with some people that are actually unbelievable, strange and eccentric and this story is no different. These things or the series of events, change us for the better or worse, and decide who we become. So, assuming that you are ready to believe whatever I say and believe the not so obvious, I present to you the story of the unbelievable!!

Visiting card generator web app in PHP

The visiting card generator is a very simple beginner level web app based on PHP's image - text functions . I have also used  mpdf module to output the image inside a PDF as per the requirements of my app. But you can modify the app for your own implementation. Starting with the concept:  This web-app takes some basic information inputs, like name, address, contact number etc. , from user and prints that information in a formatted manner on a image.


In this post I want to share something which I wanted to share since a long time but either I was busy in my curricular activities or I was busy in some other interests and I could not spare time to write the right content.