About Us

About Us:

We, here at the Youth World Blog, are committed in bringing what India thinks. As, the name of the blog suggests, the blog is for the "Youth" of the country.

Presently, the blog includes 2 sections:

  • Technical
  • Literature


The technical section of the blog deals with various new C- programmes, with shorter and easier codes. Various reviews on new gadget launches are also provided under the label, "New Launches" .

Also, links of various softwares of daily uses are provided at times for easy downloads.


Under the "Literature" section, we try to bring a sort of relaxation and recreation for the individuals from the daily busy and hectic lives.

"Men and literature have a long known mutual relationship, that needs to be taken care of!"

With this aim in our hearts, we try to bring you some articles on new and hard hitting subjects, that deal with the mordern life.

Future plans under the same include, movie and novel reviews, novel and movies recommendations and short stories.

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