Episode 9: The fallen angel

The Resurrection
(Time will reveal everything)
(Mini web series)

Have you read the 8th episode yet? If not, Read it by clicking here, to enjoy this episode.
Episode 9: The fallen angel

You don’t need to know, what my name is, or who am I actually! All you need to know is the story I am about to share with you all. The story that matters and the story that needs to be told! We know that sometimes, some things happen with some people that are actually unbelievable, strange and eccentric and this story is no different. These things or the series of events, change us for the better or worse, and decide who we become. So, assuming that you are ready to believe whatever I say and believe the not so obvious, I present to you the story of the unbelievable!!

The present day on the island:


he shocking turn of events had already led Abhay completely broken and helpless since the first call of the stranger. Then, the other miserable events that included Sharmaji getting kidnapped, Ritika turning out to be someone completely else that none of them had ever fathomed, and both Ronit and him landing up on a strange and the mysterious island; had sucked majority of his spirits. But the one thing that had kept him going was a piece of hope: a hope that everything would somehow turn out fine eventually, and all of them will be out of that misery soon.

            But, seeing Ronit kill himself in front of him in cold blood, had left Abhay completely shattered, both emotionally and physically. He was devastated. And to add to his grief, all he could recall was Ritika’s stone cold face when he had implored her for help. She had stood there, blank and cold hearted, without any emotions and care in the world. How could she do what she had done? She was supposed to be his angel as she had always been, but all he could recollect now was a bunch of memories that suggested otherwise. He peeped into the past events and concluded that if it wasn’t for Ritika’s treasonous behavior, none of this would’ve happened. Howsoever cruel or disbelieving it might sound, it was indeed true. Ritika had betrayed him and so had his destiny.

            ‘Just stop that shitty act of yours again now,’ he heard a loud shriek.

            He looked up and saw one of the inmates trying to scrape the metal door with a stone, ferociously. And another inmate was yelling at him. Well yeah, they all were captured and were held hostages in one of the underground bases of the mysterious palace that they were in. And it seemed to Abhay that the inmate scrapping the metal door was somehow trying to break free from the cage cum prison that they were kept in.

            ‘Shut up moron,’ the one, scrapping the door retorted. ‘Out beyond these metal doors, lies my freedom, and I’ll get it anyhow.’

            ‘You are seriously out of your mind bastard,’ the other one yelled. ‘That’s a military grade steel that you are trying to break free from. And what with –a bloody stone? Damn you!’

            ‘Where there is a will, there is a way, jackass,’ the former retorted with determined and insane laughter. ‘I’ll break away from here soon and you’ll see that, I promise!’

            They, along with several others present in the room kept yelling at each other and Abhay lay in one corner, still. To him, none of that mattered then. All that he wanted then was death –an escape from the bloody rut that he was in. 

            ‘Kill yourself… just kill yourself…!’ those words from the stranger started echoing in his mind like a constant reminder, with same evil tone and sinisterness that they were originally said with. 

            Why did he deserve to live in the first place? He was a murderer who had murdered the one girl who loved him more than anyone in the entire world. The one person who was his father figure, was stuck between his life and death because of him and his best friend who had nothing to do with any of his sins, had died to protect him, in front of his helpless eyes! And the one girl that he thought was his angel, his soul mate, had turned out to be some evil mistress, hell bent on torturing him or anyone related to him.

            ‘I don’t deserve to live! If at all I had killed myself the very first day that the stranger had asked me to, none of this would’ve actually happened,’ he thought. ‘If that filthy bastard wants me dead, so be it! What do I deserve to live for anyhow?’

            He was convinced to kill himself at that particular moment for he was in terrible state of despondence and emotional breakdown. But ending your own life isn’t a piece of cake anyhow and it’s rather easier said than done. As it happens with most of people, he decided to relive each and every moment of his life so far once again in his memory, before taking a final call to terminate his sufferings forever.

            Most of the memories were woven around two people: Sanjana and Ritika. He could never forgive himself for killing Sanjana and that guilt was one of the chief reasons behind his decision to end his life. And howsoever fake it was or wasn’t, Ritika’s love and care for him had kept him alive so far, and he couldn’t deny it. Then he remembered one thing all of a sudden: his birthday present. The present that Ritika had gifted him with and had asked him to open it only when he was in some serious trouble. He took out his wallet, and there it was: a gift wrapped envelope. Ritika had asked him specifically to keep it with him forever and open it only when he was in a complicated situation. As it turned out, he never faced a situation that couldn’t be handled with Ritika around him, so he had never opened it but had always kept the envelope in his wallet –just in case. As he took out the envelope from his wallet, his hands were shivering, for he didn’t know what was inside it. However, for a person determined to die, nothing is as dreadful as it seems for too long. So, he eventually unwrapped it, and opened the envelope. It was a handwritten letter by Ritika herself, as was evident by her writing. And it ran as below:

            Dear Abhay,

                        Now that you are finally reading this letter, means something is terribly wrong. I know that, for I’d asked you to open the envelope when you were stuck in some sort of terrible situation. Now that you are stuck in such a situation, it means only either of two things: I am dead or somehow I am not with you or you no longer trust me, for I believe there is no problem so invincible that can’t be overcome when we both are together.

            Even though you might not believe this, I always knew that such a time would definitely come, when you’d be stuck in this situation. I know you have your dreadful secrets and you think you are somebody that I don’t know. But believe me brother, I am not someone that you believe I am, either. And what secrets do you think you are hiding from the world? That you killed Sanjana? You think you’ve kept all that a secret from the world, fine –it’s even true. But you actually think that even I don’t know any of that? That, my brother, is your biggest misconception.

            Don’t be surprised when I say I know about you and Sanjana for I know even things that you’ve forgotten now and that you are so hell bent on remembering. I already told you that I am not someone that you think I am, didn’t I? You say I am your angel and that I know you like no one else, then how can you expect me to not know this? Coming back to Sanjana, don’t smother yourself over the guilt of killing her, my brother. This might come as a complete nonsense, but believe me, you never killed her. She was already dead, when you woke up next to her body that day. Don’t brood over my Intel on your secretes now Abhay, just believe me as you always have, although I think it’s really hard for you to believe that now, now that you are reading this letter.

            As I said before, if you are reading this letter, it either means I am dead or you no longer trust me. In any case, there is something that I need to tell you. I know I haven’t been so vocal about your importance in my life or my feelings for you but believe me when I say it my dear brother : I love you, more than what you can ever fathom. And no matter what you think of me at this particular moment, I would never ever hurt you –I just cannot. Also, truth be told, you are and you will remain one of the rarest and really special most people, closest to my heart. 

            I might not be there for you always, I might not have the time to talk to every time that you need to share something and there will surely be a time when I’ll even have to leave you forever or so has the time come now, but you’ll still remain the most special person to me, and nothing can change that. I love you and I always will.

            Now that the time that I always feared has come already, I need you to do some little favors for me, regardless of whether you trust me or not. You can do that little something now especially, when it is the first time that I am asking you for something, can’t you? I know you can and that you surely will. 

            So, first of all I need you to believe me when I say that you didn’t kill Sanjana and that she was already dead that morning, murdered by someone else and that you had nothing that you could have done to save her. So, burn all the guilt of killing her that you’ve been infested with for years now. Secondly, there will be a time when people close to you will leave you forever and it’s possible that the time has already come, but don’t blame yourself for that. Just believe that they had reasons to leave and they trusted you. Also, pull yourself out of the despondence that surrounds you at this particular moment for this helplessness is what those people responsible for all this, want. They want you so helpless that you would kill yourself, but never do that brother, for although you don’t know it yet, you are capable of things that people can’t even fathom.

            Just trust yourself, and pull yourself out of this misery. Not only yours, but a lot of people’s lives depend on you and many people including Sanjana have sacrificed their lives believing in you and your destiny. If you don’t overcome the rut you’re in, than those sacrifices would’ve been for nothing. So, get up and defeat the demon out there, responsible for your condition.

            Last but not the least, trust me if you can. Believe me I would never hurt you or let anyone as little as touch you and if at all I am still alive, and you believe I’ve betrayed you, believe me brother I’ve had reasons to do so, reasons that you’ll understand soon. Till then just forgive me if I’ve hurt you, I hope you would. So, stand up and fight, I know you can I know you would, for I trust you. I hope you would believe me when I say it again: You are special brother and I love you!!   

            If we’ll ever meet again and if you still trust me,

            Your angel,


            The letter left Abhay’s eyes glistening with tears as a sparkling smile lit up his dull face. He felt energized all over again and the fact that he wasn’t the one that killed Sanjana had taken a considerable amount of load, off his heart. So, how did he at once believed whatever Ritika said in the letter even after all that she had done to him? It turns out that he always knew she had a reason behind everything that she did; all he needed was to hear that from her, and guess what? She actually did. She was his angel and he knew it. She for then was the fallen angel, who would rise soon, he knew. So, he was now filled with positivity and a determination to put an end to the stranger and his tyranny.

            He got up, went near the prison door and looked at the surroundings as he tried to analyse the possible security and other parameters. 

            ‘Don’t even think of advising me against my said madness to get out from here,’ the one, scrapping the door said to him. ‘The others have already tried and have failed.’

            ‘Who said anything against your pursuit of getting out my friend?’ Abhay said. ‘I on second thoughts am working a plan to get us all out from here.’

            ‘Oh that’s great buddy,’ he said. ‘Welcome on the team partner. My name is Simons BTW.’

            ‘Hell, welcome to insanity bastard,’ one of the other inmates said, sprawling on the floor nearby. ‘If he alone wasn’t enough, we have you now, persuading him. God save us!’

            Before Abhay could say anything, he heard a familiar growl, just a lot softer this time. He turned around to find Vodka standing outside the prison doors. Well yeah, remember Vodka –his pet dog? Long before Abhay could process exactly what was happening around him, Vodka stood on his hind legs, awkwardly balancing itself and stamped the wall near the prison with his paw. And voila! The doors opened, and everyone started shouting in confusion and excitement.

            ‘Holy crap!’ Abhay exclaimed. ‘How the hell did you do it Vodka? How –’

            ‘Shut the fuck up morons,’ Simons interrupted him, as he yelled at the other screaming inmates. ‘Just shut up and move outside, before they shut us again. Assholes!’

            Abhay was confused to his core as to how Vodka did what he had just done. But he let go of it and decided to get out of the area as soon as he could. 

            ‘Simons, buddy listen,’ he said, to Simons. ‘Look, I along with Vodka, my dog here, will get out of this area as soon as we can. You lead all other inmates behind us, and make sure all the guards along the way are down, can you do that for the team?’

            ‘Aye Aye captain,’ Simons said, like a war veteran on a mission. ‘Consider the mission accomplished sir!’

            ‘Great,’ Abhay said. ‘Now off you go!’

            ‘Captain, watch your back!’ Simons shrieked in fear, asking Abhay to look back.

            As, Abhay looked back, he was in a terrible shock again. Behind him stood Ronit with a group of people with loaded guns, in the same uniform as Ritika and those other soldiers they had seen earlier at the palace. But he saw Ronit kill himself just a few days back. How was he alive then?

            ‘We’ve got them,’ Ronit said over his wireless radio, pointing the gun at Abhay.


Hey guys,
I hope you liked what you read.

So, just FYI, the series is gonna conclude with 2 more episodes to go. That is to say, that the 11th episode of the series will be the last episode, for this season

Now, all I want to know is whether you all would like a continuation of this series for a second season or not.

Do let me know guys, I am waiting.

Link to Episode 10


  1. Hey guys,
    I hope you liked what you read.

    So, just FYI, the series is gonna conclude with 2 more episodes to go. That is to say, that the 11th episode of the series will be the last episode, for this season

    Now, all I want to know is whether you all would like a continuation of this series for a second season or not.

    Do let me know guys, I am waiting.
    MEanwhile, Stay blessed and Happy reading... !! :):)

  2. hey shan,
    The series is awesome. yes i want season 2 :) :) :)

    1. Hello again Sukhada!

      Thanks for all the love and appreciation so far. And thanks for wanting another season, I'll definitely see what I can do about that :)

      Do share the webseries with your friends and family and also try reading the other stories and articles here that might interest you.

      Meanwhile, Stay blessed and Happy reading... !! :):)


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