Rules of Feelings...

These rules of having feelings for someone..How weird are they isn't it? How bad and pathetic they can be. 

Today I had a thought that "a person" might genuinely fall in love with someone(one sided),
And then dedicates most of the time towards "that someone", give attention to every small details, takes care of "that someone" and makes sure "that someone" is not stuck anywhere or not having any trouble or problem(however small it is) and tries very best (sometimes very very very best) to help "that someone" out.

When "that someone" gets sick "this person" feels sad and wants to be with "that someone" in that condition.

"This person" might not even sleep properly when they get to know about "that someone" being sad, or in trouble or in a bad mood because of something wrong happend to them. And would want "that someone" to tell what happened, probably even in an obsessive and annoying way, just like parents love their children.

When "this person" is happy or enjoying or travelling he/ she wants "that someone" to be there with them. To celebrate together, to spread and pass on happiness to "that someone".

"This person's" priority changes and starts giving priority to "that someone" whenever possible. If "this person" is doing some work and "that someone" wants to talk or need some help or hangout, "this person" in most of the case will leave his work and give that time to "that someone". 

In many cases it also happens that "this person" might even make room in his own schedule to be available for "that someone" when he/ she know "that someone" might need some help or might need to talk, but "this person" may never tell "that someone" about all this, and only inform that "I am available for you! U just take my name, ring my cell, text me, give a hint and I'll be there for u"

"This person" wants to spend most of the time with that someone. While going out anywhere "this person" asks "Wanna come there? Wanna see this movie? And more such things", but this person is also ok if that someone is not available or ready to come.
This person may not care what people think about him/her, but has the utmost importance to what "that someone" might think of his/her act.

This person gets happy in  "that someone's" happiness and wants "that someone" to be happy and wants nothing else in return.

But how bad it is that, "that someone" won't even consider to give a chance to "this person" if they just don't feel even a little like that.  How bad it is that "this person" selflessly keeps on putting efforts and keeps on helping, keeps on making "that someone" happy, keeps on canceling his/her own activities to keep spare time to be available for "that someone" who is totally unaware about the fact that, "this person" has many times said no to their parents(for spending sometime with them or to help them out), to their friends who wanted to meet after long time, to their co workers (who asked for help). 

Do you guys think that "this person" should tell "that someone" what all things he/she has left behind just to prioritize"that someone"? No matter whatever the answer is, I know that in most of the case "This person" won't say any such thing to "That someone"

But this is what worries me when I see from a third person point of view, when I see the efforts being put by "this person" towards " that someone" but "that someone" doesn't even gives a fuck to atleast think about giving a chance to be with them.

I know this is not how it works,if "that someone" has something similar or even a little bit similar for someone else, then it's understood. But if "that someone" is not at all with "this someone" already, which I have seen happens in many such cases otherwise "this person" might not get in that much of deep feelings for "that someone". If "that someone" is not at all with anyone, doesn't "this person" stand atleast to be give a chance to prove that he is worthy to spend life with?

But no "this person" won't for sure get the chance.

That's how confusing it is, that's how hard it is to understand how these things work.

It's really bad. It's pathetic.

No. Not having feeling for someone is bad! It's actually one of the best thing to have.
But to give such efforts and still don't get anything in return is such a bad thing to happen from a third person perspective.

But I think the way in which "this person" think while doing all this, he / she is ok when nothing comes in return, when there is no reciprocation. Because that's why I said in starting, when "a person" might genuinely fall in love with someone, this person does all those things selflessly without any expectations of things to be reciprocated.

That's how this world works in such a weird way. The rules are hard to understand, sometimes it seems the rules change person to person.

God knows. May be even God doesn't.


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