
In this post I want to share something which I wanted to share since a long time but either I was busy in my curricular activities or I was busy in some other interests and I could not spare time to write the right content.

This post is about perceptions of human being. I just want to mention that, at many points you might disagree with me because that might be your "perception". How one statement said in two different ways but with the same intent and meaning can change the perception of society on that person. Have a look below:

He: There is a lot of things that only a man can do.

Most people would think "He" is a sexist.

He: There is a lot of things which only a women can do. 

Most People would think "He" is a feminist.

Like this above statement, we hear many such statements in media, and just because of different perspective of two people, who might be very influential (for e.x Any famous celebrity) over many other people, starts throwing their thoughts on social network without thinking about what would be the effect on public and how they would react by getting influenced.

Another Example: 
You might have heard of Ronaldo and Messi. And (If you have heard of them) event without knowing them or anything about football, you might also have heard that they are rivals.

But wait! Who (from CR7 and LM10) ever officially or in media gave any bad/ controversial statement about each other ?

I only think that this is just a perception of some fans who don't want their superstar's competitor to win things.  I am a Cristiano Ronaldo fan and I respect and admire the game of Lionel Messi

Here is one more pic which I saw on social network many times:

The pic itself says it all. That's social perspective difference.

The only thing I want to say through this post is that there are a lot of people in this world by whom we get influenced. the influence may be on our choice of brand, sports person, and most importantly our thought process which controls most of our perception. But we must control our self and restrict our mind to just taking the suggestion and advice of others, and not actually using them without even thinking on it.

So control yourself, take advice and suggestion but don't get influenced.
Happy Reading. 


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